Japan is worried about another ‘transactional’ Trump presidency

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There is a lot of uncertainty in Japan about the next few years as a “transactional” Donald Trump’s possible return to the Oval Office has raised business and regional security-related concerns, 


U.S. president Joe Biden’s performance during the first presidential debate has “caused a bit of a shockwave across Tokyo Biden’s performance has raised alarm bells in his own party with several colleagues urging him to drop out of the race.


Former House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi has refused to say she supports Biden as the Democratic nominee and major donors are refusing to finance the party until he steps down.

Pesek said that the Japanese government had been “pretty certain that Biden had this well in hand.” However, following the recent turmoil in Biden’s party, Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party is now reappraising the odds of a “Trump 2.0 presidency.”

A Trump presidency is concerning to Tokyo because Japan suffered from “collateral damage” during his first term “In many ways, a lot of his trade war policies were aimed at China, but Japan’s economy suffered greatly during that period.


A Trump presidency is concerning to Tokyo because Japan suffered from “collateral damage” during his first term “In many ways, a lot of his trade war policies were aimed at China, but Japan’s economy suffered greatly during that period.


“Trump has talked about a 60% tariff on Japanese goods. He’s talked about 100% tariffs on car imports. Will that include Japanese automakers? So there’s a lot of uncertainty here at the moment about what the next five years could look like


“Now Japan has to, in many ways, go back to the drawing board, and at least begin bracing for a Trump 2.0 presidency, which is not going down very well [in Tokyo].”


Published on 15/07/2024


By Michael S.