India walks a diplomatic tightrope, making friends with Ukraine while ally Russia watches on

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Modi’s government has looked to remain neutral throughout the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, but has been criticized for maintaining tight trade and diplomatic ties with Moscow. India has refused to condemn the war and has continued to buy discounted Russian oil, despite Western efforts to boycott such energy purchases, whose revenues fund the conflict.


Now, India appears to be seeking closer relations with Ukraine through Modi’s visit to Kyiv last week, which comes at the behest of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Modi’s trip will be the first by an Indian head of state to Ukraine since diplomatic relations were established over 30 years ago, when the European country achieved independence in 1991.

‘Landmark’ visit

Modi and Zelenskyy do not know each other well and only met twice in recent months, on the sidelines of this and last year’s G7 summits in Italy and Japan, an Indian official noted when announcing the trip Monday. He described Modi’s upcoming visit as a “landmark and historic.”


“Bilateral relations” between Ukraine and India are certainly at an earlier stage of development than those between Moscow and New Delhi, with the latter duo now looking to deepen their established lucrative ties, particularly on the energy and trade front.


Earlier, Modi met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in July, making his first visit to the Kremlin since 2019. During this engagement,

Pragmatism or peace?

India — along with China, Turkey and several Middle Eastern countries — is seen as one of the few international partners of Russia that could have a potential role as a future mediator between Russia and Ukraine, although Indian media cite sources saying the government is reluctant to intervene in such a capacity.


“India [has its] own interest in maintaining a stable relationship with Russia. India wants to ensure that Russia does not become a fully joint partner with China,” he flagged. Beijing is seen as India’s regional economic and geopolitical competitor in Asia.


Modi’s visit to Ukraine,underscored India’s desire to see an end to the conflict and that “both sides actually come to the negotiating table.” India “doesn’t view the possibility that, without having Russia at the table, you can have a solution,” 


Published on 26/08/2024

By Michael S.