Category: ARTICLE

Why Indonesia matters

Indonesia is back on the map. In the next decade, it will only become more important           This week G20 took place in Indonesia, the most important country that people routinely overlook. The last time its economy and politics were in the global spotlight was during the mayhem of the 1990s when a crony-capitalist system collapsed amid the Asian financial crisis, causing the fall of the 32-year-long dictatorship of Suharto.         Over the next quarter-century, the country’s clout could increase spectacularly. The economy is one reason. Indonesia is the sixth-biggest emerging market by GDP, and in the past decade has grown faster than any other $1trn-plus economy bar China and India. A source of dynamism is digital services, which are helping create a more integrated consumer market, with over 100m people collectively spending $80bn a year on everything from e-payments to apps for on-demand trucking.           Another economic catalyst is Indonesia-specific. With a fifth of global reserves of nickel, used in batteries, the country is a vital link in

Lottery, winning or dreaming?

          A lottery is a game of chance or a process in which winners are selected at random. Lotteries can be used in sports team drafts, the allocation of scarce medical treatment, and other decision-making situations. Some of the more popular lotteries are financial, with participants betting a small sum of money for the chance of winning a big jackpot. While financial lotteries have been criticized as an addictive form of gambling, sometimes the money raised is used for good causes in the public sector.           A lottery refers to a random draw, which results in a winner or small group of winners. When there is a high demand for something limited, a lottery may be run to make a process fair for everyone.           Since 1948, the Lottery was studied by the impoverished to buy them described in Marginal Utility Theory by Milton Friedman and Leonard J. Savage.  The microeconomic theory states that consumer choice is made on margins, meaning consumers constantly compare marginal utility from consuming

Hunt Outlines £55 Billion Squeeze on UK as Recession Starts

            Jeremy Hunt outlined a £55 billion ($65 billion) package of tax rises and spending cuts for the UK to plug a hole in the nation’s finances and restore confidence among investors.          The Chancellor of the Exchequer hit the wealthy with higher taxes on wages and dividends and extended a windfall tax on oil and gas companies, telling the House of Commons on Thursday that he was prioritizing “stability, growth, and public services.”                “We take difficult decisions to tackle inflation and keep mortgage rates down,” Hunt told lawmakers as he unveiled his Autumn Statement — a budget in all but name. “But our plan also leads to a shallower downturn; lower energy bills; higher long-term growth; and a stronger NHS and education system.”              Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s government is pushing through the measures to restore confidence among investors in Britain’s ability to pay its way after a disastrous experiment with deep tax cuts by his predecessor, Liz Truss.

2023 ASEAN’s Growth Forecast

          The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the world economy, especially the export-import sector affected by the COVID-19 curb and lockdown. After that, some countries have eased with the COVID-19 curb and the economy is recovering, but unfortunately, at the beginning of this year Russia attacked Ukraine, hence western nations sanctioned financial of Russia, then Russia responded by stopping the supply of gas and oil to western nations. Moreover, this year every country has faced a hike inflation rate which is the main factor of economic growth. All of these actions have affected the world economy.           The economic outlook for 2022 in Southeast Asia, The Asian Development Bank (ADB) reported that the 2022 growth projection for Southeast Asia is 5.1% from 4.9%, as consumer spending in Indonesia, Myanmar, and the Philippines enlarged after the government has eased with the COVID-19 curb and opened borders. However, growth projections in Laos, Singapore, Thailand, and Timor-Leste have transitioned downward the causes of weaker external demand from major economies, for Brunei, Cambodia, Malaysia, and Vietnam the

Bank App. crashing not exceed 8.7 hours/year

          The Financial Consumer Protection Center (FCC) reported statistics of  Bank system failure in the 3rd quarter of 2022, it has shown that TTBThanachart (TTB) was failure 6 times, spending 46 hours Siam Commercial Bank (SCB) was failure 6 times, spending 6 hours UOB Bank (UOB) was failure 1 time, spending 2 hours Krungthai (KTB), Krungsri (BAY), CITI Bank (CITI), CIMB, and TISCO were failure 1 time, spending 1 hour           From these issues, the BOT arranged criteria to control mobile bank applications not crashing more than 8.7 hours/year to increase comfort and confidence, and reduce system stumble because people tend to pay via bank applications or Prompt pay more than before, as well as a cashless society. However, the BOT is preparing and considering punishment and guidelines while bank applications crash. After the BOT was announced, all banks must accept BOT’s condition.           For Service Level Agreement (SLA) stated the condition that the crashing time of bank application should not exceed 8.7 hours/year which is the time

Thai inflation is expected to be slow for the other 2 months

          The Thai official data reported on 07/11/2022 that the consumer price index rose 5.98% in October from a year earlier, contributing to the average inflation rate from January to October increasing 6.15% from a year earlier. Meanwhile, the Core CPI in October rose by 3.17% from a year earlier.           Poonpong Naiyanapakorn, deputy permanent secretary of commerce mentioned that Thai inflation in October rose by 5.98%, its deceleration continuously for 2 months, and Thai inflation in November and December was expected to slow down. Inflation was slowed down because the prices of goods and services have changed by the following; 187 categories, the prices surged such as fuel, gas, and electricity bills 79 categories, the prices dropped such as bananas, and televisions 164 categories, the prices unchanged such as trainers, train fare           However, Thai inflation still seems to risk of rising from the high energy cost, the weak baht, and rising domestic demand. Moreover, the Ministry of Commerce forecasted that Thai inflation in 2022 will be

The end of Europe’s energy crisis

          On Monday, the wholesale spot price of European natural gas went negative. For an hour, suppliers were willing to pay almost €16 to someone able to suck up a megawatt hour of gas, about the equivalent of an average UK household’s monthly consumption. It was a remarkable turnaround for a market that saw record prices of over €300/MWh towards the end of August. Of course, there were special forces at work. Although the negative price was recorded on the main Dutch benchmark for European gas, it was not seen everywhere across the continent. It lasted for one hour only and a more standard spot price now around €50/MWh remains twice the norm for European gas. And it occurred because liquefied natural gas supplies keep arriving in Europe when storage facilities are effectively full. But it is important not to get too distracted by these caveats.           All European gas prices have tumbled since Vladimir Putin decided to stop supplying the continent through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline at the end of

The Importance of the various Generations

What Are the Different Generations?           A generation is a group of people born in a particular time period. Oftentimes, these generations operate with similar ideas, attitudes, and values from shared experiences. Generational differences show up in different ways. Oftentimes, it aligns with the impact of the era. Our behaviors are shaped by our experiences with the world around us.         Age is one big reason for the natural gap between generations. However, the major issue arrives due to the mental gap in terms of thinking patterns & current trends. Technical ability is also important. How technology affects the generation gap is impacted by how well older people can learn and use new technology. This tends to be written by Millennials for the younger generation, so many older people can become left behind when things move too fast.       Different life experiences create generational sub-cultures. A culture that has been shaped by the values of one generation isn’t necessarily going to be compatible with the next generation. Here are the generations

A concerning situation in the world’s second-largest economy

          On 26 October 2022, Bloomberg reported that the economy of China was in recession in October, as the decreasing sales number of automobiles and properties, even world trade and the confidence of small businesses was shrunk which means the activities in September didn’t enough China economy to be recovered.           After the government released Covid Zero measures that affect the economy, especially the confidence of small businesses shrunk for the first time this month since May, meanwhile the demand in China including residence as well as catering declined to the lowest level since February 2020 and May 2020 respectively. Hereafter, Reuters reported that Chinese state banks sold the US. dollars in both onshore and offshore markets to handle gently the weakening yuan. This action reflected that the US. dollars appreciated and the concern in the economy of China was slowing down           Nonetheless, the Chinese economic trend continuously recovered but was interrupted by the lockdown and covid-19 measures in China. The decrease in the property sector and

Germany rejects supporting joint EU debt amid the energy crisis

          Germany has no plans to back a joint European Union debt issuance according to a government source. This statement comes to reject prior news from the European session, so, according to the source, Germany does not support joint EU debt to encounter the looming energy crisis. The government source told Reuters on Monday, that he denies prior media report saying Chancellor Olaf Scholz supported joint debt issuances to tackle the energy crisis.           During the general volatility of the European session, the original news, via Bloomberg, could have been of a big deal of impact, but in the quieter afternoon New York session, there has been no impact on this headline. Investors are paying close attention to the deepening crisis in the European Union. Soaring gas and electricity prices do surely threaten to quake manufacturing and tranquil winter life across Europe.           It is worth mentioning that borrowing costs between member countries are beginning to deviate which is a negative factor for the Euro as investors flood